Child Proof Your Marriage with Nevart Willborn

Episode 113- Intentional Choices And Their Healing Abilities

Nevart Willborn

You get a solo episode with just ME today!!

It has been months since I did a solo episode. Today I share with you some of the busy things that have been going on for me, and how I have had to pivot and make some intentional decisions to be better at handling life. I rolled that into talking about intentional decisions that we need to make in our relationships. I specifically talked about the cycle of conflict in marriage, and the tendency for couples not to come back together in the calm to discuss the issue and create intentional plans to change the problem. Without this, we just get stuck in the same pattern and it gets worse over time.  Join me as I walk you through how to do this and to start healing your marriage properly.

Hi!! I'm Nevart, and I'm a Marriage Coach + Licensed Therapist.

I help married couples with children reinforce and reprioritize their marriage so they can find balance in taking care of their kids and other responsibilities while having a happy and fulfilled marriage and partnership.

To learn more about my low-cost digital course, you can visit my website at:

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